Risks of Relying on OTC Drugs Rather Than Seeing a Doctor


April 22, 2022


Risks of Relying on OTC Drugs Rather Than Seeing a Doctor

There are common misconceptions that over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are safer than illegal drugs because they are readily available at grocery stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets. You use these drugs to treat your allergies and headaches because these drugs pose little to no risk. However, the problem arises when people use OTC drugs in large doses and in place of seeing a doctor. There are many risks of relying on OTC drugs rather than seeing a doctor because your condition could be more severe than you believe.

What Are Over-the-Counter Drugs?

Over-the-counter drugs or nonprescription medicine are medicine that you can purchase without a prescription or doctor’s note. They are considered safe and effective when you follow the directions on the label and use them as directed by health care professionals.

There are various kinds of OTC drugs used for various conditions and symptoms. Most popular OTC drugs include:

  • Tylenol
  • Advil
  • Motrin
  • Robitussin

Risks of Overusing OTC Drugs

There is no “cure-all” OTC drug. There are many risks of relying on OTC drugs rather than seeing a doctor to treat your illness. You must be careful using certain medications—you could have side effects or allergic reactions. If your condition has worsened or has stayed stagnant, it is best to see a doctor.

Side Effects

Side effects are the effects some medicines have on your body that do not curb your symptoms. Most side effects are uncomfortable and unpleasant. A few common side effects include drowsiness, nausea, and dizziness.

Drug Interactions

Everyone processes medicine differently, and when you use medications together, the way they affect the body can differ. Make sure you contact your doctor before taking medication if you are unsure if it will mix well with your medicine.

Allergic Reactions

Although it is uncommon, some people can be allergic to certain medicines. You may have a reaction of hives, rash, breathing issues, and itching. If you are allergic to the medication, avoid all medicines that include the same ingredients.

Does Not Treat Your Condition

If you have been taking the same allergy medicine for your congestion or sinus headaches for over a week and there has not been relief, seek an ENT. There is no point in overusing a medication that does not work for you or worsens your conditions. As stated before, there is no “cure-all” medicine; seek treatment from a professional if your situation has not changed for the better.

When To See a Doctor About Your Condition

At Allergy & ENT Associates, we provide various treatments, including sinus, asthma, and allergy treatments in Houston, Texas. We customize your treatment to your condition and what we think will help you long-term instead of a quick fix.

You may notice that your condition is not getting better, you have side effects from OTC drugs, or the OTC drug you’re taking doesn’t mix well with your other medications. If any of these are the case, it’s wise to see a professional who can give you the best treatment.

This entry was posted in Blog on April 22, 2022 by AENT Team.

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