What to Expect With a Microdirect Laryngoscopy


May 2, 2014


This entry was posted on Friday, May 2nd, 2014 and is filed under Blog by AENT Associates

Polyps, nodules, and papillomas can form on the vocal chords for any number of reasons, and in many different types of patients. However, the process and procedure for removing them is the same, in most cases. While the procedure is relatively simple in many respects, there are complexities that patients need to understand.

The procedure, colloquially known as vocal chord surgery, is performed through the mouth using micro-instruments. There are a few different types of microdirect laryngoscopy. Though in some instances the procedure can be performed in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia, general anesthesia with intubation is usually required.  These types of procedures will require a day in for surgery, although usually no more than this is required. However, the patients’ clinical staff may require them to stay overnight for observation in the rare case that complications occur.

Fortunately, complications with this procedure are incredibly minimal. Your ENT in The Woodlands will discuss with you all potential risks, and will help you to further guide you through the intricacies of the procedure and all the way through the recovery process so you know exactly what to expect.

One of the risks that your Woodlands ENT will discuss with you include the risks of using any anesthesia. Other minor complications can include chipped teeth, temporary numbness of the tongue. There is also a potential for infection with this and any other surgical procedure. Fortunately, patients can minimize these risks by following their doctor’s aftercare instructions. For most patients the associated risks of the procedure are far outweighed by the numerous benefits of having it done.

One thing to note about the microdirect laryngoscopy procedure is that the patient will not be allowed to speak for several days following the surgery. Those that do bend the rules and speak will find it very difficult to do so, as their vocal chords have swollen as a result of the procedure. Once the first several days – ideally at least a week – are over, the patient can speak o a very minimal basis. However, it will likely be weeks before the patient can get back to their usual routine of speaking, singing, or otherwise using their vocal chords on a regular basis.

In some cases, especially when more extensive surgery was required, vocal training may be necessary to help the patient regain their voice completely. Your Woodlands ENT will discuss all of these issues with you to help you come up with the best plan to take care of any nodules, polyps, or papillomas as quickly and efficiently as possible with the minimal amount of frustration and complications for you.

This entry was posted in Sinus on May 2, 2014 by AENT Team.

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